Happy Black Friday! Though today I got some long awaited and fabulous deals on some wellness products I’ve been lusting over for months- namely a fantastic new vegan suede yoga mat from Blogilates and my favorite supplements from Onnit– I’ve been also lusting over minimalism.
Over the last few months, I’ve been purging and downsizing. I’ve been slowing down on the shopping and getting down to brass tacks to consume less and save more. I’ve done minimalist challenges and some vlogs on minimalism on my YouTube channel, but I’m really excited about what’s next.
For 2019, I’m not buying anything. Yep, for a year I’m doing a shopping ban and not buying clothes, makeup, collectibles and even, gasp- BOOKS. Yes, I’m quite scared. But I’m mainly excited. I started to realize that while I was making huge strides in getting rid of things, I really need to sit with my relationship with stuff. I will never be closer to minimalism if I don’t better understand my triggers and what gets me to emotionally shop. What is my why behind what I buy?
I have a few rules for this shopping ban, (borrowed from author Cait Flanders):
-I can still buy food and medicine (obviously)
-I will buy toiletries only when I’m completely out (I have plenty)
-No clothes, but if something I wear regularly wears out and can’t be mended, I can replace it.
-Gifts and charitable donations are okay
-Supporting Kickstarters and book launches of friends is also okay (My friends do cool things, I support those things)
So, with that- I did do some shopping on Black Friday- but in 2019, I’m not buying diddly squat.
I already have withdrawals in anticipation of not getting the stuff that brings me a lot of joy, but I’m also excited to potentially get my savings rate up to 50% and make huge strides in getting caught up on my retirement goals. I’m also excited to prune my behavior to stop buying the things that bring me “meh” joy and will no longer be mindlessly consuming for whatever reason. Double win!
If I stay on track, I’ll easily put away $30,000 by 2020 to put in my retirement accounts- which is pretty snazzy. I’m at a point in my life that I’d rather have money in the bank and the freedom that comes with it, than the countless moments I shop without thinking about it that fade into the background of behavior I never think about.
For me, living a life that’s sparked and full of wonder is to be constantly experimenting. To try new things and prune the behaviors that are no longer serving you, to get to where you want to go- folding things back in as they make sense. Life is a big adventure- and honestly, I don’t want to tell myself I “can’t” do anything anymore. I told myself I “couldn’t” go without shopping and that alone was enough to get me to try.
I would like to think I can do anything, and even if I fail as an aspiring minimalist- that failure is good data and self exploration.
More On My Shopping Ban in 2019:
So, with that- happy Black Friday and Oh-Em-Gee, I can’t believe I’m going to not buy things. Bless my heart.